Monday, May 25, 2009

Birthday Mel!

On Friday my oldest daughter turned another year older, so how do you celebrate? Go to Disneyland of course!!

Meg, Kate, & Mel hanging out with Sulley.

On Sunday we had a BBQ for Mel at the house with friends and family.

Meg and Kate sang happy birthday to Mel along with ABC and twinkle twinkle little star. Always a birthday must!?!

Is Oma shrinking or is it just our imagination? :)

Andrea and Brian helping me in the kitchen, putting together the vegetable kabobs.

Grandpa, Opa, and Oma-Oma enjoying the afternoon. Oma-Oma liked her banana margarita, YAHOO...she's such a party animal!

My husband the master griller! If I can only get him to do the dishes afterward...OK only in a perfect world!!! hahaha jk David

Happy Birthday Melissa...we love you!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009


A few weeks back I was looking at my cousin Michelle's blog and saw that she got her daughters a Plasma car. A Plasma car!?! What is that I thought to myself, hmm I must check into this. After watching the videos she posted of Ripley and Ume playing on them and going to the web site for Plasma cars, I was hooked.

Because we have the most boring backyard (no grass, just a large glorified patio) it's hard to find things for the girls to do. The cars are perfect for this!

Even Josh got into them!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

Oma-Oma with Kate and Meg...

Mother's day was really nice, we had brunch on the patio at Mom and Dad's house.

Elly (mom/Oma), with Kate (doesn't she look just so happy! NOT!!), me and Meg, Oma-Oma.

Carol/Grandma with Meg, me and Kate. (I promised Kate jelly beans if she'd smile)

David with his Mommy! :)

I love Mother's day!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Watch out Mia Hamm!??!

Yesterday David took the girls out front to play a little lasted about 10 minutes!

Kate going for the goal.

Meg making her moves...

(note Kate strategically guarding the goal...I think she's using the extra pair of eyes in the back of her head) :-)

Meg then decided that the orange cones were not to her specifications and the need to reorganize them was immediately under way.

OK...well maybe not Mia Hamm, just yet!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Messy Play

This past Friday the girls had fun at a friends house doing what their mom called messy play. I call it thank god it wasn't at my house play!! :)

Megan really getting into the shaving cream fun.

This was as the only shaving cream Katelyn would allow on her face. She liked the baking flower and water table more!